Daily Archives: June 8, 2024

5 posts

How Can We Know a Holy God?

Each person has been created with an inborn God-consciousness…an understanding that there is an unapproachable, powerful Presence living throughout the whole universe. Rudolf Otto argued that “the numinous” was part of every human mind, referring to the God-consciousness of man. The holiness of God is difficult for mortal man to […]

Learning to Serve in a Me-Focused Culture

One of the defining characteristics of our culture is the selfish pursuit of pleasure. We often hear, “If you had fun, that’s the most important thing.” And we tend to understand life through the question, “How will it affect me?” But, in the Gospels, Jesus taught us to live in […]

Yesterday, Today, Forever: He Is Faithful

Throughout life, few things remain the same. Children grow up. Friends move away. The sands of culture shift rapidly under our feet. Yet, in every circumstance of life, we have a God who never changes. In our prison ministries in Saskatchewan, we are so thankful for His faithfulness. Moses reminded the […]