
Our Ministries


Ps 119:105 says Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. From time to time I do morning devotions in facility seeking to encourage the men to walk with the Lord. I also seek to encourage each day those on the outside with precious jewels from his Word. 
Faith-Based Addictions Classes 

 We use Reformers Unanimous Recovery Ministries materials designed for institutional use. We have used them in four facilities in Ontario and Saskatchewan. We praise the Lord for Him working in men and women’s lives. We also use Rock of Ages Prison Ministry courses as there is a demand for them. We have also taught the Reformers Unanimous Recovery material on First Nations Reserves as God has opened doors.
Chapel/Bible Study
Col 1:28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ. We do Bible studies every week seeking to present a God who wants to walk with us and change us to His glory. Chapels are like a mini church service with hymns and preaching bringing spiritual insight to all who come to seek the Lord. Over the years, we have noted that many are attracted to Gospel music as it soothes their troubled heart and speaks to their soul. 
Training in Prison and Addiction Ministry 
We have done conferences on Prison Ministry and Addictions all across Canada in the past. Our church, Prince Albert Baptist Church, has allowed us to help train prachers, their wives, and a First Nations Chief in prison and faith based recovery ministry. While here in Prince Albert, God has allowed us to train folks from Saskatchewan, Nunavut, and Manitoba. 
Faith-Based Anger Management Classes
Cease from anger and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. (Psalm 37:8) We live in an angry world. The Bible has much to say about anger. My wife and I were trained in Anger Management by Almond Tree Ministries. Dr. S M Davis’ website and Reformers Unanimous Recovery Ministries also have excellent resources. Contact our ministry, our church, Dr S M Davis’ website, or Reformers Unanimous Recovery Ministries for help
Indigenous People Outreach – First Nations and Metis 
We are blessed to love and minister to First Nations and Metis people from over 70 different reserves in Northern and central Saskatchewan. God has allowed us to take HIs message to reserves in four provinces.