Monthly Archives: June 2024

115 posts

4 Things That Steal Your Joy

Joy is one of the most fragrant flowers that blooms in the heart of a Christian. Planted by our Heavenly Father, it brings a song to our lips and a smile to our faces. The joy of the Lord can strengthen us when we’re weary and encourage us when we’re […]

Why God Wants Us to Be Holy

“For I am the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.” Leviticus 11:45   In the Old Testament, one of the first principles God taught His people was holiness. He wanted them to be obviously […]

How to Teach Your Kids about Easter

For most families, the Easter season is a time of happy memories—gathering eggs in little baskets, joining family for special meals, and dressing up in their Easter best. However, it’s also the most important holiday of the year for Christians. As a parent, you’ll want to teach your kids about […]

6 Marks of a Consecrated Life

Have you ever tried to shoot a moving target? If you’re a hunter, you know what I’m talking about. It takes skill, determination, and experience to successfully take down a moving deer, rabbit, or coyote. Likewise, in the Christian life, there are certain targets we need to shoot for. We […]

Bailing Out: 5 Reasons That Christians Quit

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ve probably seen fellow believers quit. Those who once seemed like shining paragons of godliness are no longer sitting two rows in front of you in church. You don’t see their car when you arrive for Sunday night service. Instead […]