3 Prayers for the New Year

As we open a New Year brimming with opportunity, many of us make New Year’s resolutions and goals. Perhaps we want to exercise more, build better money habits, or spend more time with loved ones. As we seek to better our lives, let’s remember to keep God and front and centre. 

To help you do that, here are 3 important prayers for the New Year.

“Lord, teach me about Yourself.”

What we believe about God impacts every area of our life. It shapes our thoughts and colours our attitudes. And it also influences our decisions.
If we believe that God is not interested in our lives, we will not seek Him as we should.
If we believe that God doesn’t really answer prayer, we will not pray earnestly and consistently.
If we believe that God hasn’t forgiven us, we will keep our distance from Him. 
However, if we believe that God really is as strong and faithful and loving and forgiving as the Bible says He is, then that will radically change our lives. It will help us live brave and pray hard and love deeply. 
This year, ask God to teach you and show you Who He is. And prepare to be amazed!

“Lord, use me to touch the lives of others.”

In our New Year’s resolutions, goals, and plans, it’s easy to become very focused on ourselves…on our betterment, our success, etc. 
However, the Bible teaches us that we should not focus on pleasing ourselves. Instead, we should serve others. The apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:5, “For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
How could you serve others today?
Could you write a note of encouragement to a family member? Or call a grandparent to catch up on their news? Maybe you could help someone else with a problem they’re facing. 
If you’re really stumped, you can contact us at the local church’s prison ministry for more ideas.
Start small and ask God to show you who and where to serve. 
As you practice serving others, you will learn that it is more blessed to give than to receive. And it is more rewarding to serve than to be served!

“Lord, Your will be done instead of mine.”

As you grow in your walk with Christ, you will learn why Solomon told his son not to lean on his own understanding. Our understanding and knowledge is extremely limited. 
In addition, we are constantly bombarded with un-Biblical thoughts and ideas. The enemy seeks to distract and discourage us from obeying God.
How can we stay faithful to God? We must constantly surrender our will to God. Each day, we need to commit ourselves to Him anew. 
“Lord, I am Yours. Guide my steps and help me to walk with You today. Without Your help, I can do nothing. Strengthen me to serve You and serve others.”
When we submit our will to God’s will, He promises to guide our steps. 
In 2019, we want to grow in our walk with God. We want to know more of Jesus. We want to serve others selflessly. And we want follow God’s will for our lives. Join us at the local church’s prison ministry to learn more!
Are you searching? Jesus has the answers for addictions and stubborn habits. For more information, send the Crossmans a private message here on Facebook or come to a church service at Prince Albert Baptist Church. Take the first step in a walk of freedom!

For more information, call (306) 940-9554 or email anchorofhopeheb@gmail.com