
114 posts

How to Bear the Fruit of Self-Control

Self-control has never been a popular virtue. Have you ever seen a t-shirt that says, “Faith, Hope, and Self-Control”? This fruit of the Spirit isn’t warm and fuzzy like love or soothing like peace. Instead, it speaks of grit, determination, and hard work. Self-control separates the men from the boys […]

The Truth About God’s Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not something that we as humans naturally do. We would rather hold a grudge or try to get even. We are slow to forgive and even slower to forget. In our prison ministries, we often deal with people struggling with unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger. But, when we lift our […]

3 Truths to Remember in the New Year

Every New Year is an opportunity to start afresh, to renew our vision, and to dream big for our future. Yet, along with its optimism, the New Year can also bring us uncertainty and fear of the unknown. What if my company downsizes? What if I gain weight instead of losing […]

The Must-Read Book for 2018

As we approach the dawn of a new year, many of us are thinking about fresh resolutions and goals we want to make for 2018. Perhaps we want to hit the gym, learn a new skill, or travel the world. However, we should also make spiritual goals for the new […]

3 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Earth

Over 2,000 years ago, a Child was born in Bethlehem. But He was not just any child. He was the Son of God Himself. And His birth marked the turning point of man’s history. Why did Jesus Christ leave Heaven to be born as a Baby? Here are 3 reasons […]

What Jesus Teaches Us About Friendship

  In our culture, it is hard to find a good friend. People are willing to be your friend while the sun shines, but they leave when storms hit. In addition, friendships today are often shallow and empty of true fellowship. We have never been more connected…and more hungry for […]